FILE SOURCE: Trams de Genève (Suisse) (6305155779).jpg on the Wikipedia page Matériel roulant du tramway de Genève.
DESCRIPTION: Genève tram 729 and trailer 308 are a Swiss Standard tram set that has been preserved by the Association Genevoise du Musée des Tramways. Built in 1952, car 729 was retired in 1989, and around 1994 or 1995 it was repainted into this historic livery, including reinstatement of the logos of CGTE, the former operator of the Genève tram system (until the end of 1976). Trailer 308 was built in 1951 and joined the AGMT collection in 1989.
DATE TAKEN: ca. 1995.
AUTHOR: User Alain Gavillet (Chêne-Bougeries GE, Switzerland)
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