This section of the site contains information about my father, Emil Sandi, born in 1919. There are two components to this section:
His autobiography, which he wrote in Hungarian, and which I translated into English. Both versions are available here:
A number of the scientific articles he published (alone, or with co-authors), in various languages. They are:
- Maj G. and Sauer E. "Conferma mediante analisi chimica della rimineralizzazione del dente erotto" [Confirmation through chemical analysis of the remineralization of eroded tooth enamel] (in Italian). Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale 18: 11 (1943).
- Sándi E. "Reduction of parathion induced by light". Nature 181: 499 (1958).
- Sándi E. "Foszfátészter hatóanyagú növényvédőszerek bomlási mechanizmusáról" [Concerning the decomposition mechanism of phosphate ester based pesticides] (in Hungarian). Magyar Kémikusok Lapja 15: 174-177 (1960:4).
- Sándi E. "Radioactivity in snail shells due to fall-out". Nature 193: 290 (20 Jan. 1962).
- Lipparini L. and Sándi E. "La determinazione di residui di parathion in oli commestibili col metodo di diffusione in agar-agar" [Determination of parathion residues in edible oils with the agar diffusion method] (in Italian). Rassegna Chimica 3: 129-132 (May-June 1964).
- Sándi E. "Operation Mammoth: Making use of permafrost". Science Forum (Canada) 40: 23 (Aug. 1974).
Copyright Gabor Sandi 1998-2024
Disclaimer: Everything on this site was written and/or prepared at the author's discretion. The author has tried to be accurate where facts are presented, but this does not mean that these facts are necessarily accurate. People needing more reliable information should refer to appropriate sources presented, on the Internet or elsewhere, by authoritative professional or academic bodies.
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